Update about suspensions

Dear member, 

The student assciation is not involved in the diciplinary investigation that the school conducts, only in the diciplinary committee which is involved at eventual appeal. The amount of cases which is and have been investigated are in numbers far beyond what ever have been investigated before and this is the reason for the prolonged time of the final decisions. As each case is examined case by case this has also meant that it has been hard for the school to give a clear answer on when all final decisions will be notified as each case has taken different amount of time. 

As stated previously, a student suspended based on alledged cheating is not suspended from the association. You are therefore allowed to continue with any SASSE engagment you have and your are allowed to be in the association’s premises down in the basement on Sveavägen and in the corridor on Saltmätargatan. Though, you will not be able to get access to the entrences as these are controlled by SSE as stated in our rental agreement.

From the day you get notified about your suspension you are not allowed to participate or follow the education at SSE. Therefore the academic advisors will not answer any questions about your education. They will, however, after that your suspension is finished set up a meeting and create an individual solution for your studies. 

During our last conversation with SSE we were informed that suspended students will be able to apply for exchange, and one can apply for exchange merits trough SASSE. Information about SASSE Exchange merits will be posted during the 15th of December. 

All students which has been notified about alleged cheating will be informed about the final decision. If a disicplinary action has followed one will be contacted directly by the President of SSE, and if not, one wil be contacted directly by the OGC, office of general council. 

We have created the following survey  which we ask you to fill in with any questions and concerns and we will try and collect some general answers. 

If you have any other specific questions, opinions or concerns that you do not want to mension in the survey please contact me at president@sasse.se 

Best regards, 

Hanna Hedlund

President 20/21 




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