Do you think that the introductions was the highlight of your time here in SASSE? Now, you have the amazing opportunity to do it all over again if you APPLY TO BECOME PROJECT LEADER OF THE INTRODUCTIONS! 

In this versatile role you will have the chance to sharpen your leadership skills, learn to cooperate with many different people and take on great responsibility. It is your job to make all of the new students feel welcome at SSE and in SASSE, and coordinate all of the exciting events during the first two weeks of their time here. You will be the face of the introductions. Besides this, you will structure the work of your project group, be responsible for the internal culture and function as the connecting link with all the members of the project. You should be a social and outgoing person who feels comfortable speaking in front of many people. Also, you should enjoy managing and coordinating people, and have a drive to create an including community spirit.


Positions offered

Project leader of the Master Introductions (2 positions)

Apply at before 23.59, Sunday 5/4 2020. 


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