Talk to a Psychologist for Free


We are aware that a substantial number of students are feeling stressed, tired, anxious and overwhelmed by their studies, even more so due to the distance format—perhaps you can relate as well? Through a collaboration between SASSE, SSE, and the mental health provider Mindler, SSE students are now offered access to therapy in more than 20 different languages free of charge. By using Mindler, you can follow a number of different Cognitive Behavioral Therapy programs, aiming to help with problems ranging from stress and anxiety to depression and substance abuse, as well as talk to a psychologist—all for free!


In order to access the services, follow these steps:   

  1. Download the Mindler app

  2. Register using your 

    1. bankID (requires a Swedish personal number, please see page 12 in the following document for information about how to acquire one:

    2. AND student email (the SASSE partner code will not work for personal email addresses)

  3. Press “Book meeting”, choose a psychologist and schedule a meeting

    1. During your first meeting, the two of you will set up a personalized plan. The psychologist will inform you about the different programs available and which one(s) would be a good fit for you.

  4. At the payment section, choose the bottom option, “Use your partner code”, and add the code sasse21. This code will be valid for ten sessions per person for a maximum of 100 users.   


Please note that you do not need to present a specific problem or issue to talk to a psychologist; rather, you should feel welcome to discuss any thoughts or questions you might have. It is not unusual to struggle, especially not in times like these, and a psychologist can provide valuable input on your concerns, whether they are big or small. 


This collaboration has been made possible through a donation from Valedo, and we would thus like to express our deepest gratitude towards them for choosing to contribute to improved mental health among SSE students. The availability of the services will, to begin with, stretch until 30 November, when the collaboration will be evaluated. If successful and appreciated, we will look further into the possibilities of prolonging the collaboration.


If you would like more information about Mindler, please see the following website:


If you have any questions regarding this process, please reach out to


Stay safe and take care!


The SASSE Board 21/22


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