Student Health Days

We’re proud to present the first edition of Student Health Days!  During two days, SASSE together with SSE presents several events linked to something relevant to all of us – how students at SSE feel. Allow yourself to take some time and spend it on yourself and your wellbeing. The main event during these days is the Friday panel discussion, read more here

Read more about the different events and sign-up below (they can all be found in the SASSE calendar!) 

Thursday 6th 

Morning: No-Sweat Power Yoga with SSE student Elin Wiklander.

Lunch: Lunch lecture with Lägereld, featuring a psychologist talking about stress management for high-achievers. 

Afternoon: Workshop in Stress Management 

Friday 7th 

Morning: Mindfulness for everyone with Elin Wiklander

Lunch: Panel discussion, moderated by SASSE’s President Arian Tavassoli, with guests such as Lars Strannegård, Karin Fernler and Hilda Hardell.



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