Latest Covid-19 Update

We in the SASSE Board are so sad having to cancel a lot of fun events and not being able to hangout with you in the Kåridor.

However, we believe that it is important that we all take our social responsibility and help tackle this situation together.

So keep updated to the information published by the school and do not hesitate to reach out with your questions.

See you soon!

All the best,

SASSE Board 20/21



Dear students, colleagues and friends of SSE, 

This is an update regarding how SSE is addressing the challenges we face because of the spread of the coronavirus. We do not intend to close our operations but to continue working in a way that limits physical interaction as much as possible. Our ambition is to contribute as little as possible to the rapid spreading of the coronavirus.


1. We do not want students to gather in places where the risk of contamination is substantial. To the largest extent possible, exams taking place next week will therefore be conducted online or with alternative methods. A few exams may be arranged on campus, but in that case students will be seated at a safe distance from each other. Course Directors will be informing students of which form their exam will take.


2. Our teaching will move primarily to digital and distance learning channels. The aim is to start online education on March 23 and keep it online during period 4 (until the end of spring semester). 


3. The SSE premises will remain open for students, faculty and staff, under clear instructions regarding distance, hygiene etc. Cleaning will be intensified and study places will be rearranged so as to create more distance between students. Our buildings are spacious and roomy, and we believe that – given a safe distance – the risk of contamination will be less here than it would in, for example, a café or smaller area. It is also important that critical functions such as IT can keep working. 


4. Internal and external meetings will be conducted online as much as possible.


5. Events are cancelled and travel is minimized.


6. A Coronavirus Task Force has been established to handle issues related to the coronavirus, in the short and long term.


SSE follows the recommendations by Swedish authorities and is in close touch with partner universities across the globe.


As a responsible societal actor, SSE is committed to limiting the risk of contagion and flattening the bell curve of contamination. It’s all about how we can come together to limit contagion and thus contribute to saving lives. Quality in our operations may not be as high as usual in the coming weeks however, this situation also gives us the possibility to learn quickly and be better prepared for digital education. 


SSE information about the coronavirus is available on


If you have questions, ideas or comments, please contact your Course Director or


Best regards,

Lars Strannegård

Legal Advisor

CRM Partners