Information in regards to disciplinary actions

Information in regards to disciplinary actions 

First of all, the SASSE Board would like to begin by saying that we understand the immense psychical stress the long investigation has meant. If you need to talk with someone please reach out to the president, Student Health Council or Studenthälsan i Stockholm. 

SASSE is not directly involved in the disciplinary actions and since no one is guilty until proven otherwise we have no exact number on the extent of the final disciplinary actions which will be carried out. We will present the information that we have gathered from discussions with SSE, however, this information is not to be seen as official information by SSE and can come to change. 


Each case is examined by itself, where each case involves around 80-pages of evidence material. This results in the process taking an immense amount of time and any complications or need for further explanation stops the whole process. SSE can therefore not set a final deadline and the last decisions might be delivered weeks ahead. 

What happens if one becomes subject for disciplinary action?

If you would be subject for a disciplinary action you will receive an email and from that point onward you are suspended. The school will unregister you from all courses during your suspension and block your access, meaning you are not allowed to be at the campus or participate in any SSE activities. 

In this email, sent by SSE, you will also find information on how to appeal against the decision to the disciplinary committee.

From the day that your suspension is over you are allowed to once again participate in all school activities and write exams and such. 

We have asked SSE how the possibility of applying for exchange will be affected and will get back to you on this matter as soon as possible.

You will not be receiving any notifications on your transcript in regards to your suspension. 

What happens with SASSE?

SASSE needs to pursue their own disciplinary investigation for a student to be suspended from SASSE. This is by practice not done with incidents revolving cheating as that is in no way directly correlated with the disciplinary grounds in our statues. 

You are therefore allowed to continue your work within the association, and participate in elections, activities and lectures. However, you are not allowed to be physically present at the campus, neither at SSE’s nor SASSE’s premises. 

If you have any other questions please reach out to president@sasse, send in a whistleblow trough the SASSE website or any other member of the SASSE Board. 

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