The Student Branch – Studentmästeriet

Founded 3 years ago and one of SASSE’s newest initiatives, the Student Branch responsibility is to arrange trips, parties and exchange with other universities, nations and student associations. During a typical kåryear, the studentmästeri arranges several trips to Uppsala, Lund, Linköping and so much more.

You want to do something in the association but you don’t want to sign up for a large commitment or simply need some extra assistance in planning? The Social Committee has a budget that allows students to pursue pretty much everything that they want, all with the guidance of SU to ensure that you can focus on hosting a fun event, initiative or trip. We have had all types of gurus; F1-gurus, Hotdog-tasting-guru, abstract-art-in-berlin-guru and even DJ gurus through SASSE Skivgarde.

Contact info:

Project group: Anton Malmgren, Emma Höjman & Thea Hardeberg

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