Effective Altruism at SSG!

Have you ever thought about using your resources and connections to do something good, but wondered how to make the most impact? Or if you’ve already helped, have you ever stopped to consider just how much it really matters? If these questions resonate with you, know that you’re not alone. Many ambitious young people like yourself are exploring the power of giving back to
boost their own success.

Effective Altruism is about just that. EA is an idea, movement, research field and practical
community spread across numerous countries and with prominent supporters, all focused on
doing good in the most efficient way possible. How to get a bang for your buck.

In our SASSE EA project, we intend to introduce the idea of doing good effectively to students at SSE. In collaboration with Effective Altruism Sweden, we will coordinate lunch lectures and
career workshops to inspire students to find their own ways of doing something good for
society and the environment. Stay tuned more events to come in the spring!

The EA Team

“I am Mary, first year in BSc Business and Economics. Personally, I am very interested in the concept of effective altruism, where we strive to make a positive impact through thoughtful and evidence-based giving. As a part of the EA Team this year, I hope to spread this idea to all of you out there who wants to start an impactful and satisfying career. Looking forward to more fun and informational events in the future!”

“I am in the second year of the Accounting, Valuation & Financial Management master program and leading this year’s EA project. With our group members Mary and Ashwika, we would like to encourage SSE students to think outside predetermined career paths and broaden everybody’s horizon beyond our business school bubble. I think that EA provides a powerful platform to share and discuss your ideas on having a positive impact, and that EA’s ideas are surprisingly intuitive to almost everyone.”

“I am a first year in the BSc Business and Economics program. While many of us are sure of our career paths and what attracts us to them, I am passionate about encouraging our community to reflect about their motivations and find paths that align our personal values with our professional work. I believe in deriving fulfilment and satisfaction from everything I do, and I look forward to working with Nicholas, Mary and EA to empower everyone forging their own path of ambition, success and impact.”

Contact us!
If you have any questions or ideas about EA, our project or upcoming events, don’t hesitate to contact us via effectivealtruism@sasse.se, Messenger or our personal SSE emails (see further down), or chat with us when you see us at school!

Check out the links for further info on EA and impactful careers and make sure to follow SSG on Instagram!

Nicholas: 42312@student.hhs.se
Mary: 26041@student.hhs.se
Ashwika: 25928@student.hhs.se

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