Teacher of the Year 17/18

Is there a teacher that inspires you, encourages you or just makes you laugh? A teacher who held great lectures with pedagogical features or just did something that you’ll remember years from now? Now you have the opportunity to show your appreciation. It’s time to nominate the Teacher of the Year 2017/2018!!


Teacher of the Year is the annual competition arranged by the Education Committee, where one teacher on BSc-level and one on MSc-level gets the honor of receiving the award sponsored by Nordea during the graduation ceremony. Please nominate a teacher by writing a motivation of why you think this person deserves to win.


If you have any questions please email: eduevent@sasse.se


Link to nominations: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ot3w1m_GM0qkG3vYK7c6k1zC_M_7DKREin4_X2_Rhm9UMldXRFBQRFYwR042Wk9NSjZTUEtDS1BHVy4u


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