Do you want to be a part of this year’s Pride celebration? It will only take one minute of your life and might impact someone else’s forever.

As we all have gotten used to by now, the “old normal” is long gone and we are adapting to going about our lives in the safest ways possible. Though it might feel disheartening to know that the annual Stockholm Pride Parade has been cancelled, we still want to keep our spirits high and show that LGBTQ+ issues matter as much as ever.

So, what can you do to show your support?

There are two options, and you can either do one or both of them:

Take a picture of yourself holding a sign with a pro-Pride statement. You can look at the Fridays for Future digital demonstrations to find “design inspiration”:

Email the picture to no later than July 3rd.


Record a short selfie video where you fill in one or several of the blanks:

“Pride matters to me because _______.” 

“I celebrate Pride because _______.”

”For me, LGBTQ and SSE/SASSE means _______.”

“For me, Pride stands for ”


The video can be anything from 5 seconds to 1 minute long, but other than that you have complete artistic freedom. It is also okay if you only wish to say the statement and a word to fill the blank. The more of us that voice their support the better. 

Email or wetransfer the video to no later than July 3rd.


The photos and videos will then be posted on SSE’s and SASSE’s media channels during what would have been Stockholm Pride, July 27-August 1.


Questions or want to know more? Contact Sofia Ferenius ( or Karol Vieker ( 


Together we can truly show that SSE and SASSE is a place where everyone is welcome. Let’s make this as beautiful and soul-warming as possible!


Happy Pride!

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