Operational Plan 18/19

The Operational Plan 18/19 was decided upon in May 2018. After six months of hard work with these goals, it’s time to share them with you all. Our vision is a more sustainable SASSE, to work for SASStainability. A more sustainable organisation and to act future oriented. In order to make the vision more concrete we have boiled it down to three main goals. Economic sustainability, social sustainability and environmental sustainability.  

SASSE as an organisation relies almost solely on revenue from the operations of the Business Committee. In a time where we are experiencing changes in the demands from both the companies and other relevant parties, having a financial model that is dependent on external parties comes with a lot of risk. When looking forward, we cannot count on having the revenue streams that we have today.

SASSE is an organisation living and breathing because of the culture within it. The relationships created students in-between, and between students and the environment we offer is what constitutes SASSE, and without it we would not survive.

As our society becomes increasingly aware of the global challenges we face with regards to environmental destruction, organisations need to take full responsibility of their actions, and SASSE is no exception. Today, there is a lot of room for improvements toward environmental sustainability in our everyday operations, and many of them can be achieved with only small adjustments.


Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Video: https://vimeo.com/290160820

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