Mecenat Information
23 Aug 2024
Mecenat is a digital service offering a vast amount of student discounts both online and in physical stores. H&M, Adlibris, McDonald’s, FlixBus, Adidas, Vimla och Com Hem are just a few of thousands of companies offering discounts. All the discounts are available in the Mecenat app or on their website, NOTE! You might be required to show your digital Mecenat card in order to attend some of SASSE’s events.
Mecenat for students without a Swedish social security number.
You will have to pay your SASSE fee before applying to Mecenat. Exchange students will have their fee paid by the school from the 26th of August 2024. Follow these steps in order to join Mecenat after paying your fee:
- Download the Mecenat app
- Choose “Create Account”.
- You will now be asked to fill in your social security number. People without a Swedish social security number will use a mock security number to create their account. This mock number uses the following format: YYMMDD-MXXX. The last four numbers will begin with the letter “M” followed by the last 3 digits of your enrollment number. If you are born 1999-05-17 and have 24829 as your enrollment number, then your mock number will be 990517M829.
- Once you have entered your mock number you will be asked to insert your Student ID. Mecenat will send you a welcome email to your student email once done. Remember to check your junk mail in case you have not received the email. Contact in case you have not received an email.
- Continue to fill out your information in order to finish the creation of your Mecenat account.
Mecenat for students with a Swedish social security number.
You will have to pay your SASSE fee before applying to Mecenat. Follow these steps if you are a new SASSE member:
- Enter
- Choose “Login” and “Students at SSE”. You will now be redirected to the SSE Portal.
- Log in using your student email and password. Follow the steps on the website in order to create your account and to pay your fee.
- Download the Mecenat app once you have paid your SASSE fee.
- Choose “Create Account” and insert your information. You will receive your SASSE-Mecenat card a couple of days after creating your account.
Renewal of Mecenat for students without a Swedish security number.
Follow these steps once you have paid your SASSE fee:
- Verify that your card is valid through September 2025. Log out and in again in case the card has an earlier expiration date.
- You will now be asked to fill in your social security number. People without a Swedish social security number will use a mock social security number to create their account. This mock number uses the following format: YYMMDD-MXXX. The last four numbers will begin with the letter “M” followed by the last 3 digits of your enrollment number. If you are born 1999-05- 17 and have 24829 as your student ID, then your mock number will be 990517M829.
- Use your Mock social security number in order to log in. It is possible to request a new password in case you have forgotten your old one. I have a Swedish social security numb
Renewal of Mecenat for students with a Swedish security number.
Follow these steps once you have paid your SASSE fee:
- Verify that your card is valid through September 2025. Log out and in again in case the card has an earlier expiration date.
- Log in using your social security number. It is possible to request a new password in case you have forgotten your old one. You will receive your SASSE-Mecenat card a couple of days after creating your account.