Fall recruitment is here!

This years fall recruitment has started! As it is the first recruitment period for many members, we have answered a few common questions for you 🙂

Are my chances different depending on when I apply? You will be able to apply to any position between the 7th-18th (there might be some projects with other dates as it is up to the project to decide, so check carefully on the projects you are interested in). For these projects, it does not matter if you are the first one to apply or sends in you application 23:59 on the last day, all applicants will be treated equally and all will get an interview slot. 

How will the interviews be conducted? The interviews will differ slightly depending on what project you have applied to and who is making the interview. However, within the assication we have “Recruitment Guidelines” that all members that are recruiting have to read through and follow. Therefore theey will have the same outline but the specific questions can differ. If you want to know more about the “Recruitment Regulations”, you can find them under “about & documents” here on sasse.se, and then “SASSE Policies and Regulations” (the document on the top) and then starting on page 18. The document is also added at the bottom on this page. This year, all students will also have the option to decide if you want to do an interview through zoom (online) or a physical one. 

This box on the application where I can write a motivation, what should I write and how much? This box is for the recruiter to ger to know a slight bit more about you with regards to what role you are applying for an a short description of why. You will get to motivate why you have applied on the interview, so this is for the interviewer to get a bit of a “teaser” before hand. There is therefore no need to write your whole life story and your CV here 😉 

Do I need previous experience to apply for something? No previous experience is ever needed for a position within the association. Having experience in something is of course not bad (for example knowing Photoshop when appying for a marketing or communications role), but it is not something you need to know in advance. For all positions you will have a shorter handover with the person holding that position last year, or having someone other in the project group or the project leared that can help you. The thing we want to see is that you want to learn more and want to engage in that project 🙂

How many positions can I apply for? As many as you want! What we usually say in swedish here at SSE “Sök allt, ångra inget” (apply for everything and regret nothing). If you want to engage in SASSE, apply for everything that seems fun and interesting! Then on the interview, you can decide if that project is something for you. There might be another position on the interview you found more interesting, or just honestly felt that you have changed your mind, and that is okay! The interview is as much for you as it is for the recruiter. Some projects can also be combinated (for exampel time wise) which means that you can accept and be active in two roles afterwards. 

Is this the only time to engage? The fall recruitment is when most of the SASSE projects for the fall is recruited. However, some projects will recruit at later stages during the fall, and then in the spring we have the Spring recruitment where many positions for the committee boards will be recruited as well as other projects. The fall is the biggest recruitment, but if you want to engage at a later stage, that will be no problem 🙂


These are some questions that we might think you would like the answers for and if you have any more, dont hesitate to reach out the committee or project that you are applying for (they will help you <3) or to Sofia (Media Committee President – mediapres@sasse.se) for genereal questions.





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