Clarification on SASSE’s Covid-19 recommendations

Best members!

As we’re writing this (Friday, March 5, 2021) there are 7 confirmed Covid-19 cases amongst SSE students. Both the SASSE Board and the Corona Task Force believe that chances are there are more cases that have not yet been reported.

Last night, the SASSE Board had a meeting to decide what measures we will take. What follows are the decisions we made for the upcoming weeks, which will be revised after March 24 when the exam period ends.


The SASSE premises

The SASSE premises shall remain open for studies

However, it is very important that you never sit more than 4 people per table and that you maintain social distance between different social groups. Remember to wash your hands frequently and stay at home if you have the slightest of symptoms. Note that the premises continue to close at 20:00. If these restrictions are not followed we will have to close down the premises.


Social activities

No social activities will be organized at the SASSE premises until after the exam period (ends March 24). This decision will then be revised given the circumstances. This means no tentafika will be hosted at the premises this period</3


Social activities outdoors and at external locations in small groups (no more than 8 people) will still be allowed as long as the recommendations from the public health authority (Folkhälsomyndigheten, FHM) can be followed and social distance maintained.


Weekly sports practices

As our weekly sports practices are extremely important for our members’ physical and mental health, these will continue to be up and running (pun intended) as long as they follow the recommendations from the FHM.


Leaders within SASSE

Leaders within SASSE (project leaders or committee presidents) are encouraged to have a virtual meeting with their team members to discuss whether they want to have meetings in person or digitally the coming weeks. If they are held in person it is extremely important that recommendations are followed and social distance maintained. Digital participation should always be an option.


Upcoming recruitment

The interviews for the upcoming recruitment (22-27th of March) will be conducted digitally.


The SASSE Reception

The SASSE Reception will be manned by those from the SASSE Board (new and old) who have tested negative and/or have antibodies.


Off on vacation during week 9?

If you are (or have been) on vacation during this week, we ask you to stay away from campus the upcoming week. The local health authorities in Stockholm project that of those who will be on vacation, many are likely to meet and interact with people outside of their household or group of ordinary contacts. To reduce the risk of spreading the virus, high schools and middle schools will therefore go online during week 10. Based on these recommendations, SSE recommends students and employees who will be on vacation this week to stay away from campus during week 10. Exceptions can be made for business-critical assignments. If you are uncertain, please talk to your project/committee leader or one from the SASSE Board. 


Q/A from Instagram poll:

Is it the situation in Stockholm or SSE specifically that is worrying?

  • The situation in Stockholm overall.


How do you reason when boards in SASSE meet in real life now? Is it something you allow for?

  • At the SASSE premises, our restrictions and guidelines shall be followed. If at an external location, it’s up to the individuals that social distance is maintained.


Will we get some big in-person event before the end of the semester?

  • If the situation allows for it!<3


Is there any decision regarding autumn 2021 yet?

  • SSE makes decisions for one study period at a time. We hope to go back to a hybrid solution as soon as restrictions allow.


Any indication on when vaccines in Sweden will be available to students?

  • Too early to say, it’s a decision that will be made by Region Stockholm.


We in the SASSE Board are always here if you need to talk. Thank you for being both patient and responsible in these challenging times.


Lots of (virtual) hugs,


The SASSE Board 21/22

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