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Meet the artists! Handels x Mejan 2023

May 25, 2023 @ 10:10

Take a break from studying and join the Art Division for a talk and dicussion with two of this year’s exhibiting artists, Malin Norberg and Karon Nilzen! Lunch will be provided!

Sign-up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ZjOavym89kbby4PDwu6PYYfSAAfhAz_A77bDxfdfR8Q/edit

The annual Handels x Mejan exhibition is a collaboration between students of Stockholm School of Economics (‘Handels’) and the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts (‘Mejan’) that hopes to highlight the (often overlooked) potential of crossroads between art and business to connect, communicate with, and inspire a broadly diverse audience.

In this year’s third edition of Handels x Mejan, the overarching theme is ‘Transformation’; the title pays homage to not only the extraordinary craftsmanship and unique artistry of each of the four featured graduated Master students, and how their works manage to quite literally transform the otherwise traditional spaces they’re in, but also the universal journey we all take as students in our academic careers – and even, throughout our lives. The exhibition hopes to be a fruitful, although temporary, addition to the already expansive permanent collection at SSE such that the explosive, yet refined, expression and subsequent youthfulness of each piece captures the true ‘student’ spirit: playful, passionate, and raw. 

For more: https://www.hhs.se/en/outreach/sse-initiatives/art-initiative/-program-archive/temporary-exhibitions/handels-x-mejan-2023/

Location: Lighthouse Room


May 25, 2023
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